Unlike the infinite scope of outer space, the Life In Space: A Human Adventure exhibition will sadly soon close its doors in Copenhagen. Let your mind and imagination take one final flight with a visit…...
Takket være de sjældne glimt af nordlyset helt ned til København og de fantastiske meteorsværme, der lyser op over den nordlige halvkugle, er kærligheden til alt, hvad der er astrofagligt, i fokus for offentligheden. Nu...
Our “Wildest Dreams” have come true; a Taylor Swift Candlelight concert is gracing Copenhagen, and we can’t wait. This season, Taylor Swift’s biggest hits, including “Anti-Hero” and &...
Forget the tricks, it’s time to treat yourself to a night of thrills this November, with a Halloween Candlelight concert at Dansekapellet. Something wicked this way comes! A Halloween Candlelight concert, dedicate...