There’s a lot to love about the Winter months.
As the cold sets in and the days get shorter we can all start to suffer from the winter blues. The lack of sunlight and freezing weather is enough to get anyone down but there are things to enjoy about the Winter and us Northerners certainly know how to make the most of the colder months. There are ways to bring some sunlight and comfort to your home and to your life, even if summer months are behind us.
1. Get a sunlight lamp
Lots of people experience low mood related to a lack of sunlight during the winter months but buying a sunlight lamp can help with this. You can also buy sunlight bulbs for your main light fitting, which some people find to be better for their eyes all year round.
2. Make the house cosy
If you’re forced to brave the cold weather outside then it helps to have a cosy house to return to. Everybody loves a big, soft blanket and soft furnishings like curtains can even help to insulate your house so that it stays cosier for longer.
3. Bake often
Cakes are delicious, and that’s a fact. However, freshly baked cakes and pastries are even better and you get to feel proud of yourself when whatever you’re baking turns out great. Even if it doesn’t turn out so great, you still get to eat it all. Plus, yesterday’s baked goods make for an excellent breakfast on those ‘it’s too cold to get out of bed’ kind of days.
4. Drink lots of warm drinks
You could go for some delicious, freshly brewed herbal tea. Alternatively, you could cook up a fresh batch of mulled wine and get that fuzzy warm feeling in your head for a different reason. Check out how we make our gløgg here.
Read more: 4 Delicious Cheeses You Can Easily Make At Home Yourself
5. Invest in a good moisturiser
Winter weather brings dry skin – it’s a sad fact of life. However, it also presents you with the perfect excuse to splash out on some excellent moisturiser. Soft skin will have you forgetting how bitterly cold it is outside.
6. Get yourself some nice knitwear
There is nothing worse in winter than freezing cold feet. So, why not ensure that you won’t have to endure it this year? Several pairs of snuggly bed socks are a must in the Wintertime and a few soft, snuggly jumpers never go amiss in the colder months!
7. Eat plenty of vitamin D
As the New York Times explains: ‘Most people can make enough vitamin D from sun exposure during the summer, but for many, synthesis can be inadequate in the winter’. Lots of countries specifically advise that people take vitamin D supplements during the winter but you can also find vitamin D in dairy products and vegetables such as broccoli.
8. Eat lots of slow-cooked food
This one is especially effective if you’re working from home. Smelling the scent of delicious food cooking away all day gives you something to look forward to and there is something lovely about going to bed with a tummy full of lovely, warming food which you have cooked yourself.