Masks will still be required on public transport.
Denmark’s ministers pulled an all-nighter last night, coming to an agreement on masks at 3 am in the morning. This conversation was part of an expansive discussion on the regulations that Denmark should employ in the days ahead of us during this ongoing pandemic. Here’s what they’d agreed on, and what will change in the next few months according to the plan:
June 11: Bars and restaurants may open until midnight
June 12: Parken football stadium will be allowed to hold 25,000 spectators, up from the previous limit of 15,900
June 14: Masks will no longer be required, apart from on public transport. A coronapas won’t be required in places like voluntary organisations or public libraries. Educational institutions will be resuming a normal timetable.
July 1: In restaurants where customers are seated, social distancing rules will no longer apply.
July 15: Bars and restaurants ay open until 2 am
September 1: Nightclubs can reopen, but you must have a valid coronapas to enter
October 1: Coronapases won’t be required at all anymore
Coronapases will also now be valid until 96 hours after a negative result. All of this is possible, according to the government, because infection rates are down and 2.5 million Danish residents have already received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccination. Summer is set to look very different with these new rules! Visit the government website if you would like to keep up with developments regarding the pandemic.