This Sunday marks the spring equinox, an incredibly important event that is celebrated in many cultures and countries as it marks the beginning of summer. On Sunday the Sun will be directly above the Earth’s equator and the daytime will be equal in length to the nighttime.
After the winter’s long nights and short days, we’ll be glad to see the daylight hours extended as we move towards the warmer months of the year and, to celebrate the event, Kaleidoscope and Frederiksberg Municipality have planned a fantastic, free event.
It will run between 6 pm and 10 pm on March 18 – 20 in the area that runs between Frederik VI’s Allé and the City Hall in Frederiksberg, illuminating the green space. It promises to be something pretty special and will encompass three different light installations in the area parallel to Allegade.
The event is completely free and it will make for the loveliest spring walk as the weather begins to warm and we all look forward to more evenings spent outside, enjoying the weather rather than bearing it. Check out the Facebook event for more information on the NOX installations.