So much nowadays revolves around drinking.
Plenty of people in Copenhagen don’t drink alcohol for a number of reasons including health and religion. However, in Copenhagen weekend plans tend to involve at least a little bit of booze, whether it be a trip to a bar or a tipple at the restaurant, and it doesn’t have to be that way. After what may have been a heavy period of post-lockdown drinking some people who do ordinarily drink will want a break from it all and don’t worry because there are plenty of exciting things to do in this city that don’t involve alcohol. It can be difficult to entirely avoid places that serve alcohol, but if you go somewhere to do an activity rather than solely to drink it can serve as a fantastic distraction from alcohol.
If you are worried about the amount of alcohol you are consuming then you should speak to your doctor. There are also Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Copenhagen, and seeking help is something you should be proud of.
1. Breakfast Concerts
Start your Sunday with some delicious coffee, a discount breakfast and some Bach at Kvarterhuset. There are different classical concerts planned throughout the year and the next is on October 10. You can book tickets here.
2. Pumpkin picking
There’s no better way to get outdoors and really feel at one with nature than to pick your own fruit and veg. At Ventegodtgaard farm you can do just that, and in October there are plenty of ripe pumpkins for you to pick in preparation for Halloween.
Also read: Pick Your Own Halloween Pumpkins 35 Minutes From Copenhagen
3. Go on a troll-hunt
We’re not suggesting that you hunt down internet warriors, but rather that you use Thomas Dambo’s online treasure map to search for his amazing troll sculptures, made from recycled materials and trash. They really are an amazing sight to behold and it’s a great way to get fit, wandering around the city and the countryside.
Also read: This Copenhagen Artist Creates Incredible Troll Sculptures From Recycled Trash
4. Take a dip in the sea
Copenhagen is absolutely packed with incredible harbour baths, and we know that we’ve said goodbye to the summer weather but that doesn’t stop the Danes from swimming in the sea. It might not sound too appealing to immerse yourself in cold seawater, but once you’ve tried it you’ll feel fantastic and be pretty much addicted.
Also read: 6 Fantastic Harbour Baths In Copenhagen For A Relaxing Sea Swim
5. Candlelight Concerts
Enjoy classical renditions of well-known movie soundtracks performed by talented musicians at the stunning Østre Gasværk Theatre, illuminated by thousands of candles. Or you could opt to hear a stirring candlelit tribute to Ludovico Einaudi at the same spectacular venue. These events can include alcohol but they don’t have to, and when there’s something to watch and experience it’s so much easier not to drink.
6. Boardgame Cafe
Ever been to a board game cafe? If the answer is no then you’re definitely missing out! At Bastard Café they have 4,000 games to choose from, and although they do sell alcohol they also sell delicious food, tea and coffee. If you go during the day then you’re unlikely to be surrounded by people drinking, and what you’ll actually find instead is more of a sober atmosphere in a place that is always packed with friendly people having fun. You can find the cafe at Huset KBH, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466, and read more about it on the website.
7. Hire a boat in Christianshavn
Christianshavn is made up of several little islands, and seeing it by boat on a sunny day is one of the best things you can do here. You can hire a sustainable boat from Friendships and even drive it yourself, without a boating license. It’s 490 DKK to hire a boat for an hour, and you get to see Christianshavn from a whole different perspective. You can book a slot on the website.
8. Floating Rooms
This unique treatment at Copenhagen Float is supposed to have health benefits, and it’s certainly a fantastic place to relax. You can escape the noise of the city from within this silent room, and float atop saltwater. If you’ve ever floated in the sea then you’ll already understand the ease with which the body floats in saltwater. It takes no effort at all to just glide. If you’re not into the silence then you can ask for some relaxing music, too.
Also read: Drift Your Way To Serenity At A Floating Room In Copenhagen
9. Dining In The Dark
Studies suggest that eating without your sense of sight really alters the experience and that it can help you to really engage with your senses of taste, smell, and touch. Although Fever’s Dining In The Dark events can involve alcohol, it doesn’t need to, and it’s actually a fantastic way to distract yourself from drinking if you’d usually have a glass of wine or 2 with a meal. Plus, there’s even a Halloween edition coming to Copenhagen! Everyone’s gotta eat, but you literally can’t even see the other guests here so nobody’s going to hound you to drink alcohol.
Also read: A Seriously Spooky Dining In The Dark Halloween Special Is Coming To Copenhagen
10. Play indoor mini-golf
Famously, Copenhagen is pretty cold during autumn and winter, and the wind and rain can make it feel even colder. However, at Camping Kødbyen you can enjoy what is usually an outdoor activity inside, away from all that rain and wind. Again, they do serve alcohol here, but plenty of people choose not to drink, and mini-golf is not an activity at which people usually drink alcohol, which you’ll know if you’ve ever played with your grandma and little cousins. Plus, if you want to win then it’s probably advisable to be sober, anyway.